We created some statistics for you. each separated into its own card. Each card has a title that describes the statistic, as well as an area below that shows the statistic data. If you click on a card you can see all the available data.
At the end of each card you can see a list of tags. You can use them in the input field above to filter the cards.
To get a list of all available tags simply click into the input field and hit the Down key. You will get provided with a list. Chose one tag, enter a tag manually within the input field and presshit the Enter key to start the search.
If you chose multiple tags, only cards containing all those tags are shown.

The statistic will be updated periodically. Therefore make sure to visit this page again. The current statisticĀ“s creation date is: 05/11/2024
If you find wrong statistics or you miss some, feel free to contact us here.

You can remove this information text by clicking on the X in the right top corner.
Have fun with the statistics.